Listed below is the required information you or your group will need to compile for your application. Be sure to review the stipulations of what an NTC Grant can and cannot fund prior to submission.
- Only full-time students of Newcomb-Tulane College (this applies to most undergraduates) who have completed at least one semester at Tulane are eligible for funding. This includes Seniors who are in their final semester and need less than 12 credits to graduate. Additionally, students in the final year of a graduate program who have not yet been awarded their baccalaureate degree are eligible to apply.
- Grants are reviewed on a monthly cycle; submit your application by 5:00 p.m. on the 15th of the month to receive a decision by the final day of that month. Applications submitted past the deadline will be considered during the following month’s cycle. Applications are only accepted during fall and spring semester (September—November and January—April).
- Each student may apply for and receive multiple grants from NTC, but the grant committee can only award $1,500 per student, per academic year. The exceptions to this rule are: the Gordon Summer Fellowship, which awards up to $5,000; and CGE Grants, which award up to $2,500 for international experiential opportunities. Students are encouraged to seek additional funding from other campus offices, including other units within NTC such as Career Services or the Center for Academic Equity. Funding from other offices and sources may be combined with NTC grant funding for the same project, but all other potential funding sources must be disclosed in the grant application.
- Grant funds can only be used for projects, travel, or internships that are fully completed prior to graduation.
- If you are applying for funding for a summer internship, please submit your application in March or April.
- Our office is always available for advice and consultation on the application process, writing coaching, or just general questions about grant funding. To schedule an appointment, please email us at Our phone is 504-862-8741, and our offices can be found in Hebert Hall, room 105A.
- Once offered an award, you have thirty days to accept the offer until the offer expires.
- DMP students requesting funding for their capstone films may only apply for the November 15th and April 15th deadlines.
Personal Information: If you are applying for a grant for yourself only, fill out the “Individual/Group Leader Grant Application” form, which will serve as your grant application cover sheet. To apply for a group grant, you must be in a group of two or more members, with one member designated as a “leader.” The group leader must fill out the “Individual/Group Leader Grant Application” form. Group members (not group leaders) should individually submit a “Group Grant Application” form. Both forms can be found by visiting
Cover letter: Write a one to two page, double-spaced, cover letter that clearly explains the nature of your project, how you will make use of the grant, and what your project hopes to accomplish. This should include the significance of the project (personal, educational, professional), a description of how you plan to share the results (if applicable), and the qualifications you possess. When applicable, citations and references should be used. This should be an original document. It is not a project proposal, though if you'd like to include a project proposal as an optional supplement, you're welcome to do so.
Budget: Provide detailed information for all costs involved in the project. Include the exact amount requested from the grant program and how it will be spent. Download a sample budget spreadsheet, or compose your own.
Schedule: Include the proposed start and end dates for the project, and list significant dates during the course of the project (e.g., when particular phases should be complete). This can be part of your cover letter.
Letter of Recommendation: Have a one-page recommendation sent from either a Tulane faculty or staff member, they will serve as our primary recommender. Make sure you choose a recommender that knows your work and can speak about your skills and potential. Choose a faculty or staff member who supports your project, can speak to your academic capabilities, and preferably one whose academic field relates directly to your project. Be sure to discuss your project with your recommender. Only one primary recommendation letter is required per application, whether applying as an individual or a group. Additional letters are optional and accepted from anyone you feel qualified to speak to your merits and strength, regardless of university affiliation. The deadline for this requirement is the same deadline as the grant cycle you are applying during.
If you are conducting research under the guidance of a faculty member, you are required to have a recommendation from that faculty member or another member of that lab (e.g., postdoctoral fellow).
The letter of recommendation is not required from DMP students applying for capstone funding.
Letters are to be submitted to the NTC Grants Formsite.
Internship grant applicants should include: Sponsoring organization contact information (name, address, telephone, email, web address), immediate supervisor, salary (if any), duration/dates of internship, and hours per week. Please also include some sort of welcome letter, email exchange, or any other sort of document proving contact has been made with the internship organization.
We offer funding for undergraduate student work that promotes academic or intellectual enrichment, either within themselves or their community. The most common categories that we fund are travel for research or service, conference presentations, research projects, independent study, art projects, craft services (i.e., food and drink) for group projects, and living expenses to supplement unpaid or minimally compensated internships. Interested applicants should also take a look at the Student Grant Stories tab to see examples of previously funded NTC grant requests.
There are some things we are regrettably unable to fund, such as per-diems, travel for student organizations, program or course costs, study abroad tuition costs, start-up ventures, organizations that require a high donation fee to place you with an internship or volunteer excursion (e.g., voluntourism), personal items like medical insurance, and so on. If you have questions regarding eligibility, please email us at
The NTC Dean’s Office will not fund travel to countries on the U.S. State Department’s Travel Advisory List that are designated as “Level 3: Reconsider Travel” or “Level 4: Do Not Travel.” Search for a country and learn more at Students who receive grant funding for approved international travel must register with the Global Rescue program prior to traveling. Please see the “Emergency Assistance Program” section on this page for instructions and more information:
If you have further questions, please consult our FAQ, or contact the Newcomb-Tulane College Office of Enrichment Programs at, 504-862-8741, or stopping by Hebert Hall, room 105A.
Application for all NTC Grants
If you are applying as an individual or group leader for an NTC use this form.
If you are applying as a member of a group that is applying for an NTC grant use this form.